Bild från filmen Still Life.
Dance film

Still Life


A short dance film created at Skissernas Museum – Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art in Lund by our dancer Kit Brown and filmmaker Nille Leander together with community dancers Helena Holmgren, Marie Lander, Rodrigo Souza and Yesol Kim.

Kit Brown in collaboration with the dancers.
Director of Photography
Nille Leander, Axel Pihl
Helena Holmgren, Marie Lander, Rodrigo Souza, Yesol Kim
Camera operator and sound engineer
Tom Pihl
Nille Leander, Kit Brown
Costume technicians
Lena Jonsson, Sanna Ekström Forsberg
Thank you
Madeleine Månsson, Arash Assadi Khomami, Anette Jellne, Sofia Lövgren, Annica Lundquist, Cilla Riber Alm, Magnus Borgqvist-Johansson 
Project manager
Tanja Mangalanayagam
Production year