Repetitioner Djurens karneval
Behind the scenes

Djurens karneval, rehearsals


Rehearsals of 'Carneval of the Animals', choreography by Marcos Morau.

Idea, direction: Marcos Morau

Choreography: Marcos Morau, Lorena Nogal and Skånes Dansteater's dancers

Music: Le carnaval des animaux by Camille Saint-Saëns

Set and costume design: Silvia Delagneau

Light design: Joakim Engstrand

Trailer: Jubal Battisti

Cast spring 2021: Sarah Bellugi Klima, Patrick Bragdell Eriksson, Tiemen Stemerding, Jing Yi Wang, Riccardo Zandoná.

Marcos Morau
Production year